Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Massage Chairs Give You Champion Massage Therapy in Chiropractor Offices

By Ethan Oswald

The human spine is a marvelous bio-mechanical design which enables us to stand upright. As part of the price of standing upright, we may on occasion over stress certain areas. Chiropractors are trained specialists in the spine. They understand the interaction of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. They do not prescribe medications. They use natural methods to restore long term health to the spine. As part of the battery of treatments, massage chairs are being utilized to provide a number of treatment options.

Did you know the word chiropractor originates from Greek? This is a combination of "cheir" and "praxis" from the ancient Greek language. Together they mean a treatment done by hand. Technology has come a long way since the Greeks. I am sure the ancient Greek chiropractors would be enthralled with today's high tech massage chairs.

People often seek chiropractic care primarily for pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain and headaches. Chiropractors practice holistic, natural medicine. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs for pain relief. This must be done by a medical doctor or M.D. Chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a college accredited by the Council on chiropractic education.

Even though chiropractic medicine has been around since Egyptian times, it has not been covered by major health insurance plans. Big Medicine is covering more chiropractic treatments as now many state workers compensation systems are covering chiropractic treatment. This has forced Big Medicine to ante up and now many HMO's and private plans have included chiropractic coverage.

Chiropractors work with patients to determine the root cause of conditions related to the back, neck and shoulders. Most of these conditions are related to the spinal column. This also includes the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments that connect the bones of the spinal column.

Most people have heard of a spinal adjustment. This seems to be the most known treatment by the general public. Most of us picture the chiropractor holding them, aligning their spine and then making an adjustment. The adjustment usually is accompanied by a crack or pop sound.

Chiropractors use massage therapy to warm up the muscles and soft tissue areas around the spine prior to making an adjustment to a patient. Massage chairs are increasingly used to perform massage therapy for chiropractic patients. A massage chair helps to loosen tight muscles, ligaments and tendons. This helps the spine to adjust more freely.

We really have to appreciate the spine which allows us to walk on two feet. The spine is designed to distribute the weight over the length of the spine. This keeps everything in balance. However, certain conditions can cause a shift in the balance. This can cause a large portion of the body weight to be put on some very small areas.

When the spine is out of balance, the chiropractor wants to redistribute the weight that is put on the spine. If you have a sore muscle, your other muscles will compensate for it and pick up the slack. The doctor needs to get the weight back to how it was distributed before when the spine was healthy.

Massage chairs provide an effective means to help the soft tissues to become more flexible and elastic. They help to elongate the muscles with soothing massage techniques. As the muscles relax, then elasticity is restored allowing a greater range of motion. Regular massage chair therapy helps to reduce built up tension and stiffness in these critical areas. Massage chairs are available for home use as well as professional health care use. Massage chairs may be the perfect complement to your back care.

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