Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Make Muscles via Strength and Cardio Training

By Tank Vosotros

Cardio exercises and strength training workouts helps in eliminating those unwanted fat. They also help in building muscles as well. And when you opt to tone down and make your body a mountain of muscles, then doing both strength training and cardio workouts really helps you succeed.

Strength training involves heavy lifting and pushing exercises, all of which are designed to stimulate your muscles. Strength training also has different sets of exercises that either focus on a certain muscle group or involving two or more muscle groups simultaneously. These sets are divided in to two - isolated and compound.

Isolated exercises are those that target one muscle group at one session. Exercises that are considered isolated strength training workouts are bicep curls, leg raises, and shoulder raises. For example, bicep curls only targets the biceps and leaving other muscles unused.

On the other side of the fence, you have the compound strength training exercises. Experts say this is the best strength training set for anyone who wants to build muscles fast and effectively as it stimulates more muscle groups in less time. Examples of this type of strength training routines are bench presses, shoulder presses, and squats.

If you opt to go for strength training exercises, do not overwork yourself if you want to achieve best results. Limit your sessions to at least three to four times a week and workout for at least 45 minutes to one hour every session in the gym. While you might think that these limitations may slow your development, it is the other way around.

While many people find it hard to believe, excessive exercising hinders the growth of muscles. Try to lodge a day in between your gym days to make sure you get enough rest for the workout ahead. Just remember that muscles grow bigger when they are at rest.

Cardio workouts differ, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, and playing tennis and football, help in building muscles, much like strength training. Cardio training works by burning the body's calories through increasing the body's heart rate and speeding up its metabolic processes. Cardio exercises do not employ the use of gym equipment, which makesit a popular means of building muscles.

If you really want to achieve a muscular body, then do both. A lot of people who have fused both cardio and strength training exercises achieve great results in a short amount of time. Just don't overwork yourself and heed the advice of professionals if you want one.

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