Sunday, December 20, 2009

Know The Side Effects Of Creatine

By Christian James

Creatine is a chemical substance that a lot of people know very little about. It is for this reason that people suffer from various debilitating illnesses because they know very little about the creatine in supplements and the side effects of creatine. Therefore it is important to shed a bit of light on this potentially harmful substance.

Creatine is taken in the form of supplements but in actual fact the body makes creatine of its own in the kidneys and liver. The main use of creatine is to give the muscles the energy to carry out normal daily activities. When creatine is produced by the body a large portion of it is stored in the muscles and the rest is used for other purposes by the body. But sportsmen make use of inorganic creatine supplements to supplement the creatine the body manufactures.

When you take creatine supplements carelessly you can pollute your body with creatine. Now when creatine is in the body it has a natural ability to absorb water. So when you have too much creatine in your system the absorption of water from different parts of the body can lead to muscle cramps owing to dehydration.

Owing to the ability of creatine to absorb water weight gain can be an unforeseeable consequence of having too much creatine in the system. So when creatine is stored in the muscles in excess amounts what eventually happens is that these areas eventually get clogged with water resulting in weight gain.

Diabetes is something that can become an intolerable burden for a person who takes creatine supplements. Normally people who take creatine supplements consume glycemic sugars to promote the easier absorption of creatine. Subsequently sugar levels will be increased significantly to the point where natural body insulin is insufficient to break them down. And when the body ahs excessive sugar a person can trigger diabetes or even worsen it.

Apart from these there are other side effects of creatine. You can easily develop kidney stones or heat exhaustion owing to the absorption of water by creatine. It is also possible to cause damage to the blood vessels; kidneys and liver if your diabetes worsens.

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