Saturday, December 12, 2009

Categories of Goldfish

By Edward Collins

There are different varieties of goldfish and these are mainly distinguished through dissimilar head shape, looks and colors. Certain goldfish have bulged up eyes or those that face upwards. The placement of the fins is a unique feature used for differentiating the goldfish types. The tail's shape aids in their classification because some comprise split tails, others double tails while others have single tails.

Fantail goldfish have exceptional unique tails. Making a distinction of the different types of goldfish is important since, the fish responds to diverse factors such as water temperature and breeding methods.

Goldfish are classified in four different groups that ought to be taken into account when examining the various goldfish categories.

One tailed goldfish: Such fish has a slender body and is available in several colors such as orange, variegated among others. Fish in this category include Shubunkis, which includes Bristol or London, Commons and finally Comets.

Double Tail goldfish have bodies that are slender, although coming in different colors such as white, white with a mixture of orange, orange, white though red lipped, as well as gill covers and fins.

Double tailed Dorsal finned goldfish are oval shaped with billowy and long fins. The colors of the fish differ significantly. The fish in this category include Demekins, Ryukin, Pearlscaples, Pompoms, Moors, Veiltails, Orandas, Fantails and Telescopes.

Double tail goldfish without dorsal fins are the same as their counterparts with dorsal fins since they are oval shaped with billowy and long fins and come in various colors. They include Eggfish, Celestial, Bubble Eye and Lionhead.

Comet goldfish can be able to live in severe cold environment and is available in various colors mostly yellow with marks of black, orange and red. The main distinction between this type of goldfish and the others is the tail fin. The fins of these fish have two lobes, which are placed on top of each other. These fish are very hardy and can be reared in ponds. They require a large space since they can swim very fast. These fish are very sociable and does well if kept with others.

The Oranda goldfish is a very beautiful variety known for the cap or hood-like skin growth surrounding the head as well as the sides of its surface. Its color variety and appearance has increased its popularity among the goldfish varieties. The Oranda is commonly found in red, black and red, white and black, white and red, tricolor, calico, bronze, silver, blue, black, white and chocolate. It is also sensitive to changes in water temperature and dislikes cold water.

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