Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wii Modchip Whats the Fuss

By Wii Modchips

WiiModchip are basically an electronic device. They have been best popularized for electronic game consoles - be they Xbox , Xbox360 , PS3 or currently most popularly- the Nintendo Wii and Wii DS / DS Lite. The main purpose of it is to change the various restrictions of the wii. The most famous use of it is in modifying the DVD drives. It allows users to make copies of software and would help them to use in other systems.

In the past it was widely believed that modding could be done only in the hardware but in the recent past there have been devices that have successfully modified even soft wares.

It is now as easy as pie , with new techniques that even a simpleton can do. It used to be that any "upgrades" or "enhancements" required hot solder and soldering. More than one intricate electronic device - be it cd player , computer , satellite tv setup or Nintendo Wii DS, or Wii DS lite or other gaming platform device has been ruined and determined "inoperative" due to inexperience or lack of care on the part of the amateur electronic hobbyist or even professional.

You may well of heard cautionary tales that it is best to leave well enough alone . Don't touch your Wii. So and so tried to mod his Wii or WiiDS Lite and was "bricked". End of online gaming career with his Nintendo Wii. Luckily today this is a myth - for the misinformed. With today's advanced , yet simple to install Wii Modchips - all so easy with their solderless design and solder-less install designs and setups its as easy as 1,2 3, even for rank electronic component installation technical novices.

True you could upgade the "Argon Wii Modchips". Yet it took risk , and a fair amount of expertise to complete the upgrading via a JTAG programmer in conjunction with a good knowledge of the use and procedures of injectus programmers. Hopefully in the not too near future this whole process will be made easier and simplified , just as solderless modchip installs have revolutionized and made Wii upgrades a piece of cake for the average if not beginner electronic gamer.

Its downright amazing what comes out of that little Wii box. Sure there are other platforms for gaming. Yet Nintendo always seems to be the company that brings high quality gaming devices to the consumer at mass market prices , and in the end can be said to dominate the market through its adept combination's of product , pricing and merchandising. Nintendo can be said to be the "Henry Ford' of computer gaming - just like Commodore was to computers with its Commodore 64 and 128 computer lines. Many people who may never have taken up computer gaming have entered as avid enthusiasts with their entry level platform of the Nintendo Wii. With an estimated 10.9 Wii console gaming units being sold alone in the US , there will be no shortage of Wii consoles to modify .

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