Friday, October 30, 2009

Some Saddle Parts Need More Maintenance Than Others

By Andre Hansen

When you employ a saddle, there are some bits of a western saddle that should get extra care and upkeep. These parts need to be observed for symptoms of damage because if you don't keep an eye fixed on them, then you can have a bad accident. This includes cleaning and maintaining these parts. You should take care to make certain you have given each part a comprehensive inspection. Some parts, however, can cause you to be injured or killed if you do not do what you want to do.

The top ten parts that should be inspected the most are : (1) the cinch, (two) off billet, (3) cinch connecting strap, (4) cinch tie straps (latigos), (five) stirrup hobbles, (six) stirrup leathers, (seven) saddle strings, (eight) rope strap, (9) horn wrap and (10) the stirrups. Leather can become worn with regular use. If you put the saddle thru heavy use, then the leather can easily be worn very swiftly. This partially relies on the leather and how well it stands up to wear. If it does, then it is to worn out to use.

The top ten parts that should be inspected the majority are : (1) the cinch, (two) off billet, (three) cinch connecting strap, (4) cinch tie straps (latigos), (five) stirrup hobbles, (six) stirrup leathers, (seven) saddle strings, (8) rope strap, (9) horn wrap and (10) the stirrups. This in some measure relies on the leather and how well it stands up to damage. You can test the leather to see if it'll tear easily.

It secures the saddle by being attached to the rigging. It's vital the cinch is in good working order. The rider can fall from the horse and be hurt badly. The off billet and the latigos connect the rigging to the cinch strap. Failure in these parts can suggest the loss of the rider.

Damage on the horn wrap and rope strap relies on how you are using the saddle. However if you're a roper, you might need to replace these parts a couple of times as you are using them more. You may probably replace these when they no longer feel good for you. There are different things that can influence this change. It can be a change in the way the saddle is being used or for some reason there is a change in your seat in the saddle.

How often you will have to modify the parts of a western saddle will be dependent on how rough you are on the saddle. Keeping your saddle well maintained will insure that you and your pony are safe.

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